Contact Mushroom Remedy

Please contact Mushroom Remedy when you have a question or a recommendation. We love our customers and welcome your feedback and suggestions because that helps us to be a better company. Customer feedback is the lifeblood of our business. Therefore, we are looking forward to your feedback. Hence, tell us what’s on your mind, good or bad. We are specifically interested in any new product ideas, customer testimonials and medicinal mushroom related research results or studies.

Thus, we respond to all customer feedback and look forward to hearing from you!


Contact Us Using Email:

If you prefer to email us then you can send your message to:


Write to Us:

If you feel like to mail us a note or send us something of interest, then please feel free to send them to:

Mushroom Remedy LLC * 921 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 211, La Habra, CA 90631